Late Post: My Yule Altar

Sorry about this being late but I’ve just been really busy. I did celebrate the New Moon and I’m glad that I did. I also got sick, which didn’t help matters. Here it is and I hope that you enjoy it.


Devotee of Hecate (Month 3)

Today is three months since I devoted myself to Hecate. Yes, I honor other gods and goddess but I do love Hecate. I’m going to be burning her candle tonight and giving her offering of candy and candles. I’ve found that Hecate has helped me out through some dark times and has given me such joy. I hope that Hecate is giving you joy too.

Full Moon (November 2015)

So tonight will be the Full Moon and I’m really excited about it. The Full Moon is a time to honor the goddess and I’ll be honoring Isis. I’ll also be honoring Thoth as he’s also considered a Lunar god. He has the moon on his head as his symbol. I’ll be burning Full Moon incense and spending time with the divine. A nice peaceful night! I do hope that you have one as well.

Blessings, all.

Late Post: New Moon (November 2015)

So this is another late post, which I’m sorry about. I celebrated the New Moon, honoring Hecate, and I will say that it was a great New Moon. I enjoyed honoring her and giving her the due that is due to her. Of course it had to rain, which made it impossible for me to get anything done. I hope that your New Moon was just as good as mine.

Late Post: My Samhain altar

So I’m sorry about it taking so long for me to finally post this thing. But here’s my Samhain altar. Hecate’s not in it, because I was doing a Heathen ritual, but I decided to post it here. Hope that you like it.


Samhain (2015)

Tonight is Samhain, the last harvest festival of the year and the Witches New Year. I hope that you all will have a good one and I’ll be posting my Samhain altar tomorrow. Samhain is a very important holiday for me as it’s connected to Hecate and any other goddess that are connected to the dead. Even gods as well. I’m really excited about this Sabbath and I’m looking forward in celebrating it. Of course our Sabbath does have it’s haters but I know, and I’m grateful, that when Halloween is over that the haters will be more concerned about the turkey and Christmas shopping then what I’m doing.

I hope that you all have a blessed Samhain and a wonderful Witches New Year.

Full Moon (October 2015)

Tonight is the Full Moon, a time to honor Selene, Artemis, and Hecate. I honor all aspects of Hecate that the Greek connected to her. So my altar has my plaque of Hecate and my two images of Selene and Artemis. The images are from the Mythic Oracle deck that I had gotten last month. I offer them all offerings, I pour libation, and I burn incense. Tomorrow I will post a photo of my Full Moon altar so that everyone can see.

I’m going to tell you that it’s impressive and I’m glad that I chose to go down the route of limited images and only bringing them out when I’m using them. Have a blessed Full Moon and a blessed rest of the month.

Devotee of Hecate, Month 2

So today marks two months since I set up my altar to Hecate and started to honor her. One of the things that happened during this period is a lot of challenges took place. One of them was my brother’s work and hopes that he would become permanent. I thank the gods that my prayers were answered and that he got to stay on. This month has been challenging in other ways. We are in the seasonal months now, Samhain coming up this week, and the cold is going to be really bad.

I don’t know how bad the cold will be but something tells me that I’m going to be glad that I don’t live back up near Canada anymore. I’ve also been using my new Halloween Oracle that I bought at the beginning of this month. It has been really interesting and I’ve really connected to the deck. I do have a Mythic Oracle deck that I use, but mainly for images of the gods as I do honor other deities besides Hecate.

Well onto the next month and I do hope the rest of the regular month is good for you. May Hecate bless all of you.

Getting Ready for Samhain

So next Saturday will be Samhain and I’m getting my altar ready for this most glorious Sabbath. Samhain, for those that practice Wicca (and I’m talking about the new ones) is the last harvest festival and the Witches New Year. It’s a time that the veil between the living and the dead is thin, again. It’s a most sacred night for those that practice the craft but it’s also a sacred night for Hecate. I already have plans for a nice feast for her and I also have plans to get a larger table for an altar.

I hope that your plans are going well and that you have a blessed Samhain.

I can’t Stand Sucky Candles!

Yes, I’m going to be going on a rant here. I can’t stand sucky candles! And why? Because they suck. Prime example. I’ve been burning my Hecate candle that I bring out when it’s the New Moon, the Full Moon, one of her holiday’s and even Halloween. I’ve had that damn candle for over a month and it does not burn evenly.

I know that you get what you pay for but the candle felt like high quality. I guess looks are deceiving. One thing is for sure, I’m never going with that seller again. I need a candle the burns evenly and not lopsided.